Chat with your friends!
How to Open
Open the Community window from the menu or press (alt + c). You can manage your friends list with the Add Friend and Remove buttons.
Double-click the name of your friend to start a conversation. Type your message and press enter to send. You can also use emoticons in this chat.
You can adjust your friend status to show that you’re busy, farming or pvping. If your status is Busy you will not be teleported by Clan Recalls.
You can block some one using Block Player, fill in the name if the person you want to block and the person is no longer able to chat with you.
If you wish to unblock some one, click on the name you want to unblock and press on the remove button.
If your friend is offline you can send a message that (s)he will receive upon login. If you received an offline mail you can read it by going to the Mail tab in the Community window.
You can also receive mails when you’re offline vending from other vendors or players or from the [SERVER], this message can be send from the Ticket System Operators.
In the Party section you can see the available parties that are leveling around your level and where they are leveling.
You can also hide the party in your party menu.