Here are the patch notes of tonights patch:
Game Arena
– New GameArena game: Group Duel
* This lets you create a duel instance with a group of 3 to 10 players. An other group can scroll through the instances and doubleclick an instance to fight them.
– Team Tournament adjusted to level 200 to 255
* This is a tournament that requires a group with members each with a different second job. It runs on wednesday at 18:00 server time.
– Adjusted Clan Recall so it teleports all clanmembers unless the clanmember has his friend status set to “Busy”.
Crafting / Refining
– Adjusted the refining chance of high level items so they are slightly easier to upgrade.The chance was increased by around 12% from (9) to (10).
– Added disassembly NPC in Heliopolis
– Adjusted basic drill success rate.
– Adjusted material binder quality.
– Adjusted combat armor craft (removed bugged gloves and shoes).
Item Mall
New Promotions have been added.
– Adjusted sell tab for gamp npc in tg
– Adjusted NPC dialogue for stat and skill reset in Heliopolis
– Adjusted farming drops so they can be picked up by party members.
– Fixed the visual bug with shield + farming tool.
– Fixed the visual bug regarding stats of (10) to (15) items.
– Fixed a client freeze issue with Item Mall updates.
– Trade, party, friend and duel request are ignored if you /ignore a player.
– Adjusted icicles & scrolls (stamina requirement of 500).
Slow Speed Scroll
Slow Attack Scroll
Atk Decrease Scroll
Magic Decrease Scroll
Hitting Decrease Scroll
Crit Decrease Scroll
Dodge Decrease Scroll
Back to Normal
Purify Scroll (Solo)
Detect Scroll (Solo)
Ghost Potion
HP Scroll (Solo)
MP Scroll (Solo)
Dexterity Scroll (Solo)
Strength Scroll (Solo)
Defense Scroll (Solo)
Accuracy Scroll (Solo)
Damage Scroll (Solo)
Advanced HP Scroll (Solo)
Advanced MP Scroll (Solo)
Advanced Dexterity Scroll (Solo)
Advanced Strength Scroll (Solo)
Advanced Defense Scroll (Solo)
Advanced Accuracy Scroll (Solo)
Advanced Damage Scroll (Solo)
Blue Icicle
Green Icicle
White Icicle
-Adjusted charms (stamina requirement of 1000).
Ice Charm
Spark Charm
Blood Charm