Item mall
All items in item mall are on sale -25% for one week ! happy anniversary
Fixed the daily task Frozen Elder, it should now use the right mob id.
Fixed the daily task Better Together, it should now work on a level 5 party.
Fixed the seasonal task Dragon’s Den, it should now be unlocked when killing both Dragons.
Fixed the seasonal task Altar Destroyer, it should now be unlocked when killing both Altars.
Fixed the daily task Mountain Mountain Man, it should now be unlocked when finding him.
Fixed an issue why some items were not account bound on the battlepass.
Fixed an issue with the zulie coupons not being able to be claimed.
Adjusted the weekly task of the Forgotten Temple, it now requires you to complete the Temple quest.
Adjusted the daily task Passenger, both Passenger and Tourist had the task to Visit Forest of Wisdom. Passenger will now ask you to visit Kenji Beach.
Improved all quests.
Quest will now show objectives which makes it more clear what to do and where to go.
Quest like Learning to Drive and Job Change quests will now show on which part you are from the quest.
Fortress Siege
Announcements have been adjusted, [Fortress Guard] Adian Goodwin will now shout the announcements and the part of the Gryphon health being lowered when a gate has been destroyed has been removed.
Further the names of the gates have been adjusted.
First Main Gate has become Right Entrance Gate, the gate name is now also Right Entrance Gate (npc).
Second Main Gate has become Left Entrance Gate, the gate name is now also Left Entrance Gate (npc).
Third Gate has become Inner Fortress Gate, the gate name is now also Inner Fortress Gate (npc).
Fourth Gate has become Courtyard Fortress Gate, the gate name is now also Courtyard Fortress Gate (npc).
Fortress gates can no longer be buffed, stunned or healed.
Fortress Siege announcements have been adjusted, [Fortress Guard] Adian Goodwin will now shout the announcements.
Fortress Siege time duration has changed to 45min instead of 40min which is the actual time.
Disabled temporarily clan recall in fortress siege map , we are working on making gates invincible so players won’t be able to glitch to latest gates.
Added more information to the Celestial War/Fortress Siege description into the Game Arena window.
Fixed the Panadora typo in the Pandora Stones, quest, keys.
Blocked Clan Teleport Scroll inside Forgotten Temple.
Blocked Clan Assist inside Junon Cartel, Domination, Crystal Defenders, Akram Arena, Empire Battleground, Draconis Peaks, Golden Colosseum, The Shadow Jungle, Garden of Arua,
Blocked Clan Recall inside Garden of Arua.
Unblocked Clan Recall, Unblocked Soulmate Recall and Unblocked Revenge from Forgotten Monastery.
Fixed the stats on the Item Mall Mermaid Shoes.
Fixed the Beetleman White Castle Gear, you should now be able to ride it.
Fixed the icons from the Royal Deities set, it showed the wrong icons.
Fixed the Panadora typo in the Pandora Stones.
Fixed the White Huntereed Arms, Body and Foot icons.
Fixed the Shine Bikini, Nightvision Bikini, Blushell Bikini, Plaid Bikini icons.
Added more information to the Celestial War, Fortress Siege and The Shadow Jungle description into the Game Arena window.
Adjusted the Gold Beetleman set level requirement, it was supposed to be level 201 like the other beetleman sets gifted from anniversary and xmas events.
Adjusted the movement speed on the Gold Beetleman shoes, it’s now 120 like the other Beetleman sets.
Upgraded defense and magic defense on the Gold Beetleman shoes and the Red Beetleman shoes.
Added a purple prefix to the Anniversary and Xmas Beetleman sets.