

Clan Grade: 7
Clan Points: 242332
Clan Slogan: Always Ready in War
In an alliance with DieSmillingX

Trophies: none

Roster 11 / 50

Character Name Level Job Contribution Position
1 PrettyAngela 179 Bourgeois 115529 Master
2 MELLODY 226 Raider 0 Commander
3 kUribOng 164 Scout 0 Commander
4 CygnusBuff 106 Cleric 0 Rookie
5 leigotrythm 255 Raider 0 Rookie
6 GtDhandilalion 148 Bourgeois 0 Rookie
7 kazmoth 255 Raider 0 Rookie
8 llNumberll 175 Knight 0 Rookie
9 momonjah23 255 Champion 0 Rookie
10 xxjaredxx 257 Knight 0 Rookie
11 Svck 255 Mage 0 Rookie

Recent Activity

1 SziMoNrArE left the Clan
2 FARMERniBELLAH left the Clan
3 iGotNoInt left the Clan
4 OmyG left the Clan
5 angelag0trythm left the Clan
6 AidenRye left the Clan
7 FarmerNgECF left the Clan
8 BapsMan left the Clan
9 judan left the Clan
10 yoyoyismayname left the Clan
11 nove left the Clan
12 angelag0trythm joined the Clan
13 yoyoyismayname joined the Clan
14 ImMorTaL21 left the Clan
15 yoyoyismayname left the Clan
16 yoyoyismayname joined the Clan
17 yoyoyismayname left the Clan
18 yoyoyismayname was promoted to Commander
19 yoyoyismayname joined the Clan
20 yoyoyismayname left the Clan