

Clan Grade: 1
Clan Points: 0
Clan Slogan: YaHa

Trophies: none

Roster 1 / 15

Character Name Level Job Contribution Position
1 karasuno 255 Cleric 0 Master

Recent Activity

1 TipsyKnight left the Clan
2 TipsyKnight joined the Clan
3 TipsyKnight left the Clan
4 BOEF left the Clan
5 PARlS left the Clan
6 FORDYBOY left the Clan
7 BOEF joined the Clan
8 PARlS joined the Clan
9 FORDYBOY was promoted to Deputy Master
10 FORDYBOY joined the Clan
11 TipsyKnight joined the Clan
12 Clan created by karasuno